Wednesday, 22 February 2012

On a theme of chevrons.

So I'm sure everyone's got the chevron bug, I figured they would be great for my "boy" pages and due to the fact that I haven't bought any new pages (on a New Year mission to use up a good lot of my older pages before I'll allow myself to get any new ones as the budget doesn't allow for such luxuries at the mo!) I decided to try and make my own. I cut up lots of different pages and started sticking but the end product wasn't exactly what I'd imagined and once I'd made the one strip and discovered I had an arrow shape I decided to stop there and use that on my page.

So I kinda Love how its turned out! I find my favourite pages are those that evolve slightly from what you had planned in your head! And on a plus side I used up tonnes of scraps that I've been holding on to for quite a while! Super economical!

Hope you have a happy Wednesday!

Thursday, 16 February 2012

Current favourite!

I have been meaning to scrap about all the little quirks of my 3 year old "right now" and when I seen this picture which pretty much epitomises him in one shot I knew I had to do it now otherwise the moments would pass and probably be lost forever in the whirlwind that seems to be our lives at the moment.

I found inspiration from the amazing Maggie Holmes, she is very into flags and lovely fresh colours. I sometimes find it hard scrapping boy pages especially where embellishments are concerned! I would love to be able to use butterflies and flowers but can't quite bring myself to use them on boy pages, lets face it they are lovely but to me have no place on a car loving, tree climbing, mess making boys page! So what I'm getting at is I'm all for the flags so looking forward to using them more!

Also felt the desire to make buns so these are a variation on my Auntie's amazing chocolate marshmallow cake, I made a batch for work to my delight had enough left to make this little mini cake woop!

Sorry for the terrible lighting in the pictures, its night and the light in our house is terrible so I'll keep this in mind for future photo taking! :)

Wednesday, 15 February 2012

The beginning!

So this is my first post ever!  I figured it was about time I joined the 21st century and got myself a blog!  Also got to find myself a way to showcase my pages!  I'm an official scrapaholic of three years and of late I've had to put the scrapbooking on the back burner as I'm trying to complete a course for work but I'm only one month off completion of the 18 month course and I've allowed myself to breathe a little and create something which I've been meaning to do for years now, I just hope doing this blog will enable me to vent my creativeness and allow me to explore new things and maybe inspire a few people along the way, just as so many other blogs have inspired me!

So my first challenge was to complete the Sarahs cards February challenge which is to create a movie themed layout. I ended up choosing this line from Toy Story as my title because the day before I made this my little boy Elliot was telling me in the car how much he loved his little cousin Maia and I just knew I had to use that quote!